Welcome to the new Miasma, formerly known as xLostFoundDead, formerly known as AngelicScars, formerly known as Cthulhu Dawn, formerly known as Angelz Revenge. Yeah. I change the site name just about as much as the layout. This purges and combines all my other sites into one handy little thing (even tho Im still using multiple accounts, so its really not little, or handy). Navigation is those five links directly under the header image. Updates will be few and far between. At least, after I get everything up and running (if I dont lose interest first that is).

February 20/08; 2:45pm:: So About is up. Yep. Its a big, boring blob of text. I'll get around to breaking it up eventually. For now, it stays boring. Btw, Needle is still down.
February 20/08; 10:35am:: More fanlistings listed, and more to come. About is up but theres nothing about me there o_O Needle is still missing. I'll get around to it.
February 19/08; 1:15pm:: Site open. Fun. Joined fanlistings. Set up main Photo page. Still only one album up. Still missing Needle and About. So dont click those.
February 18/08; 8:58am:: Pixel, Contact, one album in Photo up. Site still closed for construction (How are you reading this?).